Dienstag, 12. April 2016
MAI 2016
Sisya - Klassenabend der Bharatanatyam-SchülerInnen und StudentInnen
SISYA (sprich: schischja) ist der Klassenabend der Bharatanatyam-SchülerInnen und StudentInnen von Radha Anjali.Anmeldung erbeten: 0676 312 57 36 oder natyamandir@hotmail.com
Ort: Natya Mandir Studio, Börseplatz 3/1D 1010 Wien
Zeit: Sa, 28.05.2016, 17:00 – 19:00
Freitag, 1. April 2016
APRIL 2016
Fr, 01.04.2016
Launch-Party für Natya Mandir News online

#bharatanatyam #classical southindian dance #idliesambhar #kaphi #chai #chennai
#vienna #natyamandir in vienna #nataraja #shikhandi #navagraha #mahabharata #ramayana
#shakti #templearchitecture #shishyas #gurus #kamadev #kalanidhinarayanan #adyarklakshman
#kuchipudi #seraikellachhau #austriaindia #österreichischindischegesellschaft
All are welcome!
RSVP: natyamandir@hotmail.com, 0676 312 57 36
Ort: ,
Zeit: Fr, 01.04.2016, 19:00
Fr, 08.04.2016
Sitar & Tabla
Nordindisches klassisches Konzertmit
Henning Kirmse - Sitar
Gerhard Rosner - Tabla

Eintritt: € 12,-/10,-
Reservierungen unter: natyamandir@hotmail.com
Ort: Natya Mandir Studio, Börseplatz 3/1D 1010 Wien
Zeit: Fr, 08.04.2016, 19:30
Fr, 15.04.2016
Kirti Ramgopal - Bharatanatyam Tanz
Klassische südindische Tanzvorführung mit Kirti Ramgopal /Bangalore
Kirti Ramgopal aus Indien, Bangalore, erhielt ihre Bharatanatyam Tanz-Ausbildung bei Padmini Ramachandran, Priyadarshini Govind, Sri A. Lakshman und Bragha Bessell. Ihr Tanz wird als ausdrucksstark und lebendig gelobt. Viele Auszeichnungen begleiten ihre Karriere als Bharatanatyam Tänzerin. Sie gab international Tanzauftritte u.a. in den USA, Canada und Europa und fand großen Anklang sowohl beim Publikum als auch bei den Kritikern.
Eintritt: € 15,- / ermässigt € 12,-
Anmeldung: 0676 312 57 36, natyamandir@hotmail.com
Ort: Natya Mandir Studio, Börseplatz 3/1D 1010 Wien
Zeit: Fr, 15.04.2016, 19:30
Dr. Tiziana Leucci
(Centre d'Etudes de l'Inde et de l'Asie du Sud , CNRS)
21. April 2016, 18 Uhr
„The Impact of the Neo-Tantric Movement on the Choreographic Traditions in Europe and India (1960s to 2000s)“
The presentation will focus on the impact of the Neo-Tantric Movement on the choreographic avantgardes in Europe and India, from the 1960s onwards. Three major figures in the international landscape of dance in these years are chosen to illustrate the phenomenon. After a chronological analysis of the works of the French choreographer Maurice Béjart (1927–2007), the presentation will deal with some later stage productions by two remarkable Indian choreographers and feminist activists: Chandralekha (1928–2006) and Mallika Sarabhai (b. 1954). These three “counter-culture” choreographers expressed their own ideas, quests and struggles by exploring the “shadow and light” in the meanders of the human mind, body, sexuality and emotions, and by employing in their choreographies some Indian poems and musical compositions as well as several abstract symbols and diagrams borrowed from the Tantric traditions. Special attention will be devoted here to the authors and literary texts that deeply influenced their artistic work and struggle eloquently mirroring the con-temporary “love and peace” ideologies of the hippies, the quests for “oriental” spirituality, sexual liberation and freedom of expression, the political contestation of conservatism, racial discrimination and military power, and the support of women's emancipation, the ecological movement and the human rights movement.
22. April 2016, 15 Uhr
„Dance and Dancers in Indian Cinema“
The presentation will deal with the crucial role played by dance and dancers in Bollywood films and forms of regional Indian cinema(s). Special attention will be paid to the dancers, masters and musicians who belong to the hereditary communities of artists performing in temples, at courts and in the setting of the salon (known in South India under the generic terms devadāsī, rājadāsī and naṭṭuvaṉār) and acted, choreographed and sang for these movies, making them highly successful. The lecture will also focus on the speaker’s Bharat Natyam dance master, the late naṭṭuvaṉār V.S. Muthuswamy Pillai, who worked for the cinema in the 1940s and 1950s, trained quite a number of dancers and film actresses, and choreographed several items performed by them in Tamil, Telugu and Hindi movies. Interestingly, some members of the hereditary communities of performing artists found in the cinema a way to continue practicing their profession, which had been taken away from them by other communities after the application of the 1947 Devadasi Act. Stigmatized and criminalized by this law, for a short time they found some kind of patronage in the cinema, though this was not devoid of ambiguity.
Dr. Tiziana Leucci is a senior research fellow at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), Paris, and attached to its Centre d'Etudes de l'Inde et de l'Asie du Sud. Her Ph.D. thesis in Social Anthropology (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris) dealt with the culture of South Indian courtesans. Dr. Leucci also studied ballet and contemporary dance at the National Academy of Dance in Rome and Indian dance (Bharat Natyam and Odissi) in India. She has authored a book and numerous chapters and articles on the anthropology and history of dance in South India and on the European perception and representation of Indian courtesans. Her further research interests are the history of the interaction between Indian and Western artists, and the anthropology of aesthetic theories and Indian choreographic practices, especially in terms of their transformations in the colonial period and on the modern stage. Since 2010, Dr. Leucci teaches Bharat Natyam at the Conservatoire “Gabriel Fauré”, Les Lilas – Est Ensemble (France).
Donnerstag, 21. April 2016, 18h c.t. und Freitag, 22. April 2016, 15 h c.t.
Seminarraum 1, Bereich Tibet- und Buddhismuskunde
Institut für Südasien-, Tibet- und Buddhismuskunde,
AAKH, Spitalgasse 2, Hof 2.7
1090 Wien
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